Learn how to play!

Game Objective

The objective of Grass is Greener is to win the title of Yard of the Month amongst your neighbors! During the game, you will constantly be fending off petty neighbors (other players) from ruining your beautiful yard. The neighbor with the most points at the end of the game wins! Easy peasy!

What’s in the Box?

10 HOA Board Members

18 Sod Cards

6 Dummy Guides

142 Deck Cards

Before you begin…

  1. Deal 3 Sod cards to each neighbor. Place all other Sod cards back in the box (these will not be used.)

  2. Shuffle and deal 5 cards from the deck (green backs only) to each neighbor. This is your hand.

  3. Set the remaining deck of cards in the middle of the play area, accessible to all players. Draw 3 cards from the deck and place them face-up near the deck (see below). This is the Community Draw Pile.

  4. The neighbor to the left of the dealer draws an HOA Board Member card at random. Place the selected card face-up near the main deck. Let all players read of the face-up HOA Board Member’s likes and dislikes. Place all other HOA Board Member cards back in the box (these will not be used).

    **Note: Be sure to deal a Dummy Guide to each player!

The table should look like this:

The person who is most likely to set fire to their neighbor’s yard plays first. Turn order continues clockwise. During each neighbor’s turn, they must perform 3 actions. These actions are DRAW and PLAY, which are described below. Neighbors may choose to do any combination of these actions 3 times. Example: During Bob’s turn, he chooses to play a card, draw a card, and play a card. His turn is now over. Next is Stacy’s turn. She chooses to draw a card, draw a card, and draw a card. Her turn is now over.

Actions: The 2 actions are DRAW a card or PLAY a card.

How to Play:

Draw Action: Draw 1 card from the Community Draw Pile or from the top of the Main Deck and add it to your hand. If you choose to draw from the Community Draw Pile, do not refresh the pile until the end of your turn. 

Play Action: Play 1 card from your hand on yourself or on a neighbor.

Card Refresh: At the end of a neighbor’s turn, if there are fewer than 3 cards in the Community Draw Pile, draw from the Main Deck to replace the missing cards. If at any point there are 3 cards of the same type in the Community Draw Pile, discard all the cards in the pile and replace them with cards from the Main Deck. For example, if there are 3 Petty Schemes in the Community Draw Pile, discard and replace all of them with new cards.

End of Turn: If neighbors have more than 7 cards in their hand at the end of their turn, they must discard down to 7 cards.

End of Game:

The game ends one of two ways:

1. When a yard is filled with 9 Improvements and/or Impairments (a maximum of 3 are allowed on each plot), the game immediately ends.

2. When a neighbor draws the last card in the deck, the game immediately ends.

The face-up HOA Board Member is used to adjust each neighbor’s final score. Neighbors tally their points based on the HOA Board Member, the cards in their Garage and the cards in their yard. The neighbor with highest score wins the Yard of the Month (and the game). Everyone else is a complete disappointment.

What if there is a tie? In the case of a tie, draw an HOA Board Member at random from the box. Use the new HOA Board Member to further adjust the scores of the tied neighbors. If there is still a tie, repeat this process until there is no tie.

Now that you know how to play, here are some other helpful things to know!

Card Types:

PLOTS - Each neighbor must always have exactly 3 Plots in their yard. When a Plot is played from your hand, it replaces another plot that was in your yard. Plots may only be played in your own yard. Each Plot can hold a maximum of 3 Improvements and or Impairments.

IMPROVEMENTS - These are the cards that will give you most of your points. These are played on Plots. Again, you may only have a maximum of 3 Improvements and/or Impairments on a Plot.

IMPAIRMENTS - These work the same as Improvements except you generally want to play these in other neighbor’s yard to subtract points from their total.

PETTY SCHEME - These are single use card that are discarded after being played.

GARAGE - These are cards that can affect your entire yard or game play. These are played to the left of your yard, in your Garage. There is no limit to how many Garage cards can be played.

HOA BOARD MEMBER - These are used to modify neighbors’ scores at the end of the game when determining the winner.


Many cards in Grass is Greener have subtypes. While subtypes themselves do not have their own ruleset, they affect the way cards are played and scored. Some cards have more than one subtype. Keep an eye on these.

How to Read a Card:

Many cards in Grass is Greener have subtypes. While subtypes themselves do not have their own ruleset, they affect the way cards are played and scored. Some cards have more than one subtype. Keep an eye on these.

If you have any specific game play questions, visit our FAQ page!